JG Thirlwell will be performing Christian Marclay’s Screen Play piece at his Festival exhibition at The Whitney Museum in New York City. Marclay’s Festival exhibition consists of many of his graphic scores, sculptural objects and film archives of his actions and performances, and features concerts daily. Screen Play is a graphic / film score to be performed as a trio. JG, who will play samples/electronics, will be performing in a trio with Kenny Wollesen (percussion) and Okkyung Lee (cello) on Sep 1 and 17, and with Kenny Wollesen (percussion) and Elliot Sharp (guitar) on Sep 16.
Performance times are as follow:
September 1 show at 2.30pm
September 16 show at 12 noon
September 17 show at 2.00 PM
Watch live streaming video from whitneymuseum at livestream.com