I am deeply saddened by news of the death of Daniel Langdon Jones. Dan started the foetus.org website back in 1995 and maintained in tirelessly for years. He started it on his own as an enthusiast, without my knowledge, and when i first encountered the site, the info on the exhaustive discography contained releases I didn’t even know about. I contacted him and foetus.org became the “official” conduit of JG Thirlwell-related info on the internet, which I contributed to. He continued the run the site and we became good friends. We would correspond and talk on the phone regularly, and get together when we were in the same town. He traveled some distances to come to some of my shows. When I started the online Foetus shoppe, Dan also ran that for some years.
He bowed out from running the site some years ago but we kept in touch. Dan was generous, warm, had a great sense of humor and a sometimes sardonic view of the world. In recent years he looked after a lot of the neighborhood cats that roamed near his house in Georgia. In one of our last communications, about a week ago, I asked him to say hi to the cats. He replied “I said hello to all the cats for you, but they seemed unimpressed.” He also dug his road trips and visits to Vegas.
The other night I dedicated my show with the Great Learning Orchestra to him, as I had heard the news that morning.
My heart goes out to his family in this sad time.
JG Thirlwell March 2017
Photo of DL Jones by John Hubbard