Release Information
CD Jun 2001 Ectopic Ents International #Ect Ents 021 Made in the US
Track Listing
01. The Hardened Artery
02. Ice on the Equator
03. Zithromax Jitters
04. Impedimenta1
05. A Womb Is Waiting
06. Helicobra
07. Tiki Envy”
08. Toxodon Mourning
09. The Cringe Factory
10. Melting at the Temple”
11. Tongue of Uncertainty
12. Bruxism
13. Tubercular Bells
14. Tranque3
Linear Notes
Created by J.G.Thirlwell at Self Immolation Laboratories for Ectopic Ents International.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: The Hardened Artery; Ice on the Equator; Zithromax Jitters; Impedimenta; A Womb is Waiting; Helicobra; Tiki Envy; Toxodon Mourning; The Cringe Factory; Melting at the Temple; Tongue of Uncertainty; Bruxism; Tubercular Bells; Tranque.
May cause excitability especially in children. Do not take this product, unless directed by a doctor, if you have a breathing problem such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis, or if you have glaucoma or difficulty in urination due to enlargement of the prostate gland. Certain persons can develop allergic reactions to ingredients in this product. If the symptom being treated does not subside, or if redness, irritation, swelling, pain, or other symptoms develop or increase, discontinue use and consult a physician. In case of bleeding, consult a physician promptly. Do not put this product into the rectum by using fingers or any mechanical device or applicator. Avoid contact with the eyes. KEEP THIS AND ALL DRUGS WITHIN THE REACH OF CHILDREN. In case of accidental ingestion, seek professional assistance or contact a Poison Control Center immediately. May cause marked drowsiness; alcohol, sedatives and tranquilizers may increase the drowsiness effect. Use caution when driving a motor vehicle or operating machinery. Do not use any other products containing dyphenhydramine while using this product. As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of a health professional before using this product. If sleeplessness persists continuously for more than two weeks, consult your doctor. Insomnia may be a symptom of serious underlying mental illness. Rare side effects may include: Angina (severe chest pain), back pain, bleeding in the stomach or intestines, bronchitis, changes in heart rhythm, constipation, depression, dimmed vision, dizziness when first standing up, dry mouth or throat, extremely high blood pressure, fainting, hair loss, heart attack, heart failure, hepatitis, high potassium, impotence, increased blood pressure, increased sweating, inflammation of the pancreas, inflammation of the sinuses, insomnia, itching, kidney failure, nervousness, numbness/tingling, palpitations, rapid heartbeat, sensitivity to light, severe allergic reactions, skin peeling, sleepiness, sore throat, stroke, suicidal / homicidal thoughts, swelling of the mouth and throat, vague feeling of illness, vertigo.
Store at room temperature.
J.G.Thirlwell: Everything
Mastered by Drew Anderson at Masterdisk
Artwork by J.G.Thirlwell/Art Director: S.A. Schwartz
Published by Ectopic Music
An Ectopic Ents Production from Self Immolation Studios
cat # Ect Ents 021
Release Notes
Volvox Turbo is the debut album from Manorexia. It was released in 2001 by Ectopic Ents, and is catalog #ECT ENTS 021.
Volvox Turbo was a limited edition album self-distributed by J. G. Thirlwell. It was sold exclusively at the Official Foetus Website and at Foetus shows during the tour for Flow. It has recently been available again through the
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Manorexia is J.G. Thirlwell, aka Foetus, and he is the sole person to blame for this 64 minute instrumental suite. “Volvox Turbo” is a soundtrack for … something. A psychodramatic thriller? A good/bad night’s sleep? An acid trip gone horribly right/wrong? All of the above? Yes. Here Thirlwell engages in experimental territory similar to some of the work of former collaborators Coil and Nurse With Wound, merging together 14 varied and indexed movements. Excepting a handful of prescribed panic attacks, much of the journey is a surreal sort of subdued ambiance comprised of strings, horns, flutes, tinker bells, drone, line noise and found sounds. Juxtaposed within are bits of ethnic travelogue such as the gypsy swirl of “Helicobra”, Hawaiian fire dance of “Tiki Envy” and rain forest atmosphere intro of “Tubercular Bells”. The mood gradually shifts gears multiple times from smooth and soothing to tense and climactic, artfully amusing to deadly serious, cherubic to downright menacing. It’s really a rather stunning piece of work, an antithesis of the latest Foetus album “Flow” but equally interesting, and more proof of Thirlwell’s multifaceted abilities. “Volvox Turbo” is available at the Foetus shows through July or – Mark Weddle,