The long-awaited follow up to the highly popular score from the hit Adult Swim cartoon The Venture Bros, composed and performed by JG Thirlwell. The CD version contains 16 tracks, while 13 tracks appear on the vinyl LP version. The vinyl also comes with a download code so the buyer may obtain the full album digitally. The album is available from the Foetus shop online and in retail, distributed by Virtual thru Sony Red, from June 6 2016.
Release Information
Preview & Purchase CD
May 2016 Ectopic Ents / Adult Swim
EctEnts CD037
May 2016 Ectopic Ents / Adult Swim
EctEnts CD037
01. Ham and Cheese Hero
02. Chickenhawk
03. Big Rooter
04. Pay The Piper
05. Optimistic Space Travel
06. Ready For Takeoff
07. Scenester
08. Cosmic Rays
09. Hank Goes It Alone
10. Fantoma’s Office
11. Plucked
12. Battlestations
13. Brock To The Rescue
14. Plasium
15. The Chosen March
16. Ventronik!
Preview & Purchase Vinyl
May 2016 Ectopic Ents / Adult Swim
EctEnts LP037
May 2016 Ectopic Ents / Adult Swim
EctEnts LP037
01. Ham and Cheese Hero
02. Chickenhawk
03. Big Rooter
04. Pay The Piper
05. Ready For Takeoff
06. Cosmic Rays
07. Scenester
08. Optimistic Space Travel
09. Hank Goes It Alone
10. Battlestations
11. Brock To The Rescue
12. The Chosen March
13. Ventronik!